Body Fluids - Test Papers

 CBSE Class 11 Biologoy

Test Paper 1
Chapter-18(Body fluids and circulation)

General instructions

  • All questions are compulsory
  • Question no.1-5 are one mark each, questions no. 6 to 8 are two marks each, questions no. 9 tans 10 are 3 marks each.

1. Define lymph

2. Name the type of granulocytes present in blood

3. Name the two types of fluids present in human.

4. Which type of granulocytes act as phagocytic cells?

5. What are the two main types of blood grouping in humans?

6. What is the approximate number of thrombocytes present in humans? write thier role in blood.

7. Write the two main functions of lymph.

8. Expand the following: ECG and CAD.

9. Explain Erythroblastosis foetalis.

10. Explain the two types of circulatory system in organisms.


CBSE Class 11 Biologoy
Test Paper 1
Chapter-18(Body fluids and circulation)

Ans 1. It is a colorless fluid containing specialised lymphocytes which provide immunity to our body.

Ans 2. Esoniphils. Basophils and neutrophils..

Ans 3. Intracellular(present in the cell) and extracellular(blood lymph etc.)

Ans 4. Neutrophils

Ans 5. ABO blood grouping and Rh blood grouping.

Ans 6. 150000-350000

Ans 7. 1. It provides immunity to our body 2. It helps in the transport of oxygen and various molecules in the blood.

Ans 8. ECG - Electrocardiograph and CAD-Coronary Artery Disease.

Ans 9. If the father blood group is Rh+ and the mother blood group is Rh-, the foetus blood is Rh+. During the delivery of first child there is a possibility of exposure of mother's blood with foetus blood to develop antibodies in mother blood. In subsequent pregnancies the mother's blood can leak into the foetus blood and destroys the RBCs of foetus. this is known as Erythroblastosis Foetalis.

Ans 10. The two types of circulatory system present in organisms are open circulatory and closed circulatory system found in organisms.In open circulatory system the blood is doesn't travel in the closed vessels and blood is not pumped from the heart, those organisms which have open circulatory system there organs are bathed in the blood e.g. cockroach. In closed circulatory system the organism's blood is travel in the vessels and it pumped through the heart e.g. humans