The Living World - Revision Notes
CBSE Quick Revision Notes CBSE Class-11 Biology CHAPTER-01 THE LIVING WORLD Life is a unique, complex organization of molecules that expresses itself through chemical reactions which lead to growth, development, responsiveness, adaptation and reproduction. The objects exhibiting growth, development, reproduction, respiration, responsiveness and other characteristics of life are designated as living beings. Unique features of living organism:- Growth- Living organisms grow in mass and number. A multicellular organism increases its mass by cell division. In plants growth continuous throughout life in their meristematic area but in animals, growth occurs to a certain age. Unicellular organisms also grow by cell division. Living organisms show internal growth due to addition of materials and formation of cells inside the body. Non living organism like mountains, boulders, crystals also grow but due to addition of similar materials to their outer surface. Reproduction- It is the formation